Support for India during the COVID-19 pandemic
The scale and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in India is truly heart-breaking. At the time of writing this 26 million cases have been confirmed and the infection rate continues at a deeply troubling rate.
At Pukka we have numerous longstanding relationships with farmers in India, like our friend and colleague Mr Shastry, an expert organic farmer in Karnataka who we’ve worked with for over 15 years. We chose to act swiftly to support the communities of the farmers we work with. We know that the best way to support local communities is to empower them and that’s why we made donations directly to the communities of our trusted suppliers. People on the ground have first-hand experience of the situation right now. By providing them with access to money they can act in the most impactful way as quickly as possible. So far we’ve committed £20,000, which is going to the communities we’re connected with and in part to the charity unicef.
The funding will be used to provide an Intensive Care Unit van to help transport patients to hospitals in one community, vaccines, medical devices to support people’s breathing, and sanitisers to help reduce the risk of further transmission of COVID-19.
Pukka is matching all employee donations to double their impact and we will keep close to our supply chain partners in India as the situation develops.
If you want to make a donation to support people suffering from the COVID crisis in India then you might like to donate to unicef here.